Layout Panels

Layout panels in the WPF Suite that have the same name as the original WPF panels are used in the same way. The use of the two expanded Layout Panels is also more intuitive.

The following are instructions for using the Layout panel in the WPF Suite


Stacking panel, arranges child elements in a vertical or horizontal row.

Property Type Description
Orientaion Orientation The layout direction of the element, defaults to vertical.
Spacing double The spacing between the elements in the panel, default is 0.


<ws:StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="4">
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>

StackPanel Example


Row break panel, arranges child elements in a horizontal or vertical row in the specified direction, and automatically breaks lines beyond the edges of the panel.

Property Type Description
Orientation Orientation The layout direction of the element, defaults to vertical.
ItemWidth double The width of the element, if the value is NaN, then it is auto-width, default is NaN
ItemHeight double The height of the element, if the value is NaN, then it is auto-height, default is NaN
HorizontalSpacing double The horizontal spacing between the elements in the panel, default is 0.
VerticalSpacing double The vertical spacing between the elements in the panel, default is 0.


<ws:WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>

WrapPanel Example


Provides a method of arranging content in a grid (where all cells are the same size).

Property Type Description
Columns int Number of columns in the grid, defaults to 0, i.e. adaptive
Rows int The number of rows in the grid, defaults to 0, i.e. adaptive.
FirstColumn int The number of empty cells at the beginning of the first row of the grid, default is 0
HorizontalSpacing double The horizontal spacing between the elements in the panel, default is 0.
VerticalSpacing double The vertical spacing between the elements in the panel, default is 0.


<ws:UniformGrid HorizontalSpacing="8"
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
    <ws:Button Content="Test"/>

UniformGrid Example


Enables elements to be laid out relative to the position of the panel or other elements.

Attached properties

Property Type Description
AlignLeftWithPanel bool Whether to align the left side with the panel.
AlignTopWithPanel bool Whether to align the top with the panel.
AlignRightWithPanel bool Whether to align the right side with the panel.
AlignBottomWithPanel bool Whether to align the bottom with the panel.
AlignLeftWith UIElement The target element to align the left side with.
AlignTopWith UIElement The target element to align the top with.
AlignRightWith UIElement The target element to align the right side with.
AlignBottomWith UIElement The target element to align the bottom with.
LeftOf UIElement Which element to place the current element to the left of (the right side of this element is aligned with the left side of the target element).
Above UIElement Which element to place the current element above (the bottom of this element is aligned with the top of the target element).
RightOf UIElement Which element to place the current element to the right of (the left side of this element is aligned with the right side of the target element).
Below UIElement Which element to place the current element below (the top of this element is aligned with the bottom of the target element).

Using the above attached properties to determine the horizontal and vertical positions of an element allows for alignment and layout. If two directions of a single dimension are specified simultaneously, such as left and right, then the element will be stretched according to the specified requirements.


<ws:RelativePanel VerticalAlignment="Center"
    <Border x:Name="firstBD"
    <Border x:Name="secondBD"
    <Border x:Name="thirdBD" ws:RelativePanel.RightOf="secondBD"
    <Border x:Name="forthBD"
    <Border ws:RelativePanel.RightOf="forthBD"

RelativePanel example effect 1


Flexible panels, which can be thought of as an enhanced WrapPanel, allow you to specify the spatial distribution and alignment of elements.

To understand an elastic panel, it is necessary to know that there are two directions in an elastic panel, the “major axis” and the “cross axis” (or “side axis”). When setting the panel in the direction of the row, i.e. horizontally, the major axis is the horizontal direction and the cross axis is the other direction, i.e. vertically. When setting the panel direction to row, i.e. horizontal, the major axis is the horizontal direction and the cross axis is the other direction, i.e. vertical.

About flex layout, See: Basic concepts of flexbox - CSS Cascading Style Sheets, MDN

Property Type Description
Direction FlexDirection Layout direction, defaults to row, i.e. horizontal.
Wrap FlexWrap Wrap behavior, defaults to no wrap.
MainAlignment FlexMainAlignment The alignment of the element on the main axis, default is to the beginning.
CrossAlignment FlexCrossAlignment The way the content is aligned on the cross-axis, the default is stretched.
ItemsAlignment FlexItemsAlignment The alignment of the element itself, stretched by default.
UniformGrow double Uniform grow factor
UniformShrink double Uniform shrink factor
MainSpacing double Item spacing on main axis
CrossSpacing double Item spacing on cross axis

Attached properties

Property Type Description
Order int The order of item, default is ‘0’
Grow double Grow factor of item self
Shrink double Shrink factor of item self
Basis double The initial size of item on main axis

FlexDirection Definition

Value Description
Row Layout on rows, i.e. horizontally
RowReversed Layout on rows, but the order of items within a row is reversed.
Column Layout on columns, i.e. vertically
ColumnReversed Layout on columns, but the order of items in a row is reversed.

FlexWrap Definition

Value Description
NoWrap No wrap
Wrap Wrap
WrapReverse Wrap, but the order of the lines is reversed.

FlexMainAlignment Definition

Value Description
Start Aligning items to the beginning of a line
End Aligning items to the end of a line
Center Aligning items to the center of a line
SpaceBetween Align items to the both sides of a line
SpaceAround Align items around a line, with spacing on both sides of the line.
SpaceEvenly Align items around a line, with same spacing on both sides of each item.

FlexCrossAlignment Definition

Value Description
Start Align lines to the start
End Align lines to the end
Center Align lines to the center
Stretch Stretch line size to fill the container
SpaceBetween Align lines to the both sides of the container
SpaceAround Align lines around the container, with spacing on both sides of the container.
SpaceEvenly Align items around the container, with same spacing on both sides of each line.

FlexItemsAlignment Definition

Value Description
Start Align item to the start
End Align item to the end
Center Align item to the center
Baseline Align item to baseline (This value has no effect)
Stretch Stretch the size of item to fill the item area

Example, align items to the center

<Border BorderThickness="1"
    <ws:FlexPanel MainAlignment="Center"
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>

FlexPanel Example1

Example, align items to both sides of line

<Border BorderThickness="1"
    <ws:FlexPanel MainAlignment="SpaceBetween"
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>

FlexPanel Example2

Example, align items to both sides of line, and make the first item fill the remaining space

<Border BorderThickness="1"
    <ws:FlexPanel MainAlignment="SpaceBetween"
        <ws:Button ws:FlexPanel.Grow="1" Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>

FlexPanel Example3

Example, wrap, and make each item take up as much of the remaining space as possible

<Border BorderThickness="1"
    <ws:FlexPanel MainAlignment="SpaceBetween"
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>
        <ws:Button Content="Test"/>

FlexPanel Example4


Masonry panel, simple waterfall layout implementation.

Property Type Description
Orientation Orientation Layout direction, i.e. the direction in which the elements are stacked, defaults to vertical.
Flows int number of flows, default is 1, when value is 1, behavior is same as StackPanel
FlowSpacing the distance between flows, defaults to 0  
ItemSpacing The spacing between items, default is 0.  


<Border BorderThickness="1"
    <ws:MasonryPanel Flows="3"
        <Border Background="RosyBrown" Height="60"/>
        <Border Background="AntiqueWhite" Height="50"/>
        <Border Background="Pink" Height="40"/>
        <Border Background="RoyalBlue" Height="65"/>
        <Border Background="CadetBlue" Height="74"/>
        <Border Background="Beige" Height="42"/>
        <Border Background="NavajoWhite" Height="67"/>
        <Border Background="DarkTurquoise" Height="89"/>
        <Border Background="Violet" Height="42"/>
        <Border Background="PaleGoldenrod" Height="54"/>
        <Border Background="Lavender" Height="66"/>
        <Border Background="NavajoWhite" Height="38"/>

MasonryPanel Example


Box panel, where each item occupies the space of the entire container.

This panel is often used to replace the Grid, and if you only want multiple items to overlap in the same space, using a BoxPanel can improve performance a little.


<Border BorderThickness="1"
        <TextBlock Text="Hello" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
        <TextBlock Text="World" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"/>

BoxPanel Example